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Akron Youth Mentorship believes education is a key factor in learning positive work-ethics and decision-making skills. They support students wherever they attend school (most in Akron Public Schools, a few in surrounding Charter Schools like Akron and Case Prep) with advocating between teachers and parents, providing tutoring, and a 3rd grade reading program that supports the 3rd grade reading guarantee.
We support parent/teacher/student relationships, utilizing guidance counseling, and provide tutoring as a Summit Education Initiative (SEI) Out Of School Time Partner (OSTP).

Academic Incentive For Mentees (AIM) is a program that provides a monetary reward for good grades earned each school quarter. This program encourages junior and senior high mentees to persevere and earn money for putting forth quarter-long effort in school. Mentees must have 75% attendance at mentoring programs and apply themselves relationally and academically in order to qualify for AIM rewards. AIM Celebrations are special dinners with various guest speakers and are held quarterly. These allow mentees earning an AIM award to be celebrated and encouraged by their peers and our leaders.
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